Psalm 10

Psalm 10

Have you been grieved by the oppression in the world?  Have you been on the receiving end of that oppression?  Do you feel like God has hid Himself in a time of trouble?  It’s okay to be honest about feelings like that.  And in the same way David did, you can express them to the Lord.

Psalm 47

Psalm 47

I initially had a hard time thinking through what I would write about this psalm. This is clearly a psalm of praise. Pretty straightforward. Not something that inspired deep theological questions or challenged me in my faith. But as I thought about it more, I began to see the beauty in the simplicity of this psalm.

Psalm 7

Psalm 7

I’ve discovered few things in life that enrage me quite like injustice. My guess is I’m not alone. I recently felt a deep burning anger in the pit of my stomach when learning of a friend who had been wrongly accused, their intentions misunderstood, and punished for no wrongs done. To be sure, as image bearers of God, our having a sense of justice has its origins in the character of God who is just.

Psalm 91

Psalm 91

If I’m being honest with you, lack of security is one of my greatest fears. Not only security for myself, but also others around me. Some of you may remember this, but last year Eric had a bad fall at work and fractured his skull resulting in a pretty serious concussion. It was during this time that my eyes were opened to how much I actually felt like I needed to be in control. I was worrying every second of every day about every move Eric made. He was staying with his parents during this time (since we weren’t married yet) and their house is covered in hard tile. So of course I was worried about his dizzy, concussed self walking on that tile every day with a fractured skull. I was with him as much as I could be, but since I still had to go to work and was living in Dallas, every second I was away from him, I worried. I felt like I was in control of the situation whenever I was with him, but as soon as I left, I had a very hard time trusting that the Lord would keep him safe.

Psalm 20

Psalm 20

Life brings seasons of changes.  Some of the changes are full of joy such as a new grandson, and some changes are difficult such as caring for an aging mother. In the midst of the joy and the struggles there is peace that comes only from standing firmly on the foundation that will not be moved, Jesus Christ our LORD and His Word. 

Psalm 121

Psalm 121

When I read this Psalm, I find myself imagining the scene at the foot of the hills. I see the Psalmist as a protagonist in a cheesy Hollywood trailer. The camera pans out as he states in defiant confidence that his Lord is more powerful than anything that’s in front of him. If I’m feeling creative, I’ll hear some type of slow, epic music as the soundtrack. That’s a buy it on iTunes before it’s available to rent type of movie!

Psalm 3

Psalm 3

I love the simplicity and directness of this psalm. David first explains the context of his prayer. He is fleeing from the army of his son, Absalom, and faces judgment and death from his enemies. However, David quickly combats his enemy's proclamation that "there is no salvation for him in God" by comparing the Lord to a shield. David is rejecting the idea that God has left him, but instead clinging to the truth of the Lord's protection. Not only that, David realizes that his value and worth is found in God alone. This is such a valuable example of how to respond in the face of judgment. So often we listen too much to the world, and not enough to God's truth. As Christians, we know we will face persecution. But David does not entertain those ideas for one second, but immediately states truth. When there are times of doubt, suffering, or oppression, how powerful is it to simply state the character of God? Acknowledging definitively that he is sovereign, loving, and omnipresent.