Psalm 29:9-11

Read Psalm 29:9-11.

I’m thankful for the moments that Advent offers to restore our posture before Jesus, expectantly waiting and drawing near to honor him. This week, we focus on the theme of peace.

Before reading this Psalm, I asked myself what the word “peace” brings to my mind, and here are some of the thoughts: Quiet tranquility, harmony, freedom, order, external peace in nature or with other people, internal peace of thoughts and emotions, solid foundation, assurance, comfort, rest. These all sound amazing! These ideas only scratch the surface. Where does peace come from? We each have hands in the cultivation of peace in the world, but thankfully we are in the best hands of all, our true source of peace.

Psalm 29 reminds us that peace is gifted from God, who steadfastly reigns over all creation forever. “May the Lord bless his people with peace! ”The voice of the Lord is powerful…and full of majesty” His voice brings life; his voice can move mountains. The Lord is in control. He knows what his creation needs, and so he sent his son Jesus.

Salvation that comes from the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus offers a wellspring source of peace, a blessed assurance, a strong foundation. Let us rest confidently in this redemption, which we cannot achieve on our own. Let us draw near to him and his Word this month, reflecting on his many gifts to us. May the Lord teach each of us how to know him better, how to experience his peace more deeply, how to share the peace of God with all creation.

- Andrew H.