Psalm 148

Read Psalm 148.

Hallelujah, praise the Lord!

Blessed are you, Lord our God, King of the universe, creator of all. 

Nature all around us glorifies the name of the Lord every day simply by existing and fulfilling its purposes, displaying the beauty and power of our creator. Let us take part in this daily worship, not just with words but in the way we live, to honor our partnership with God. 

Being assigned Psalm 148 was intriguing to me because the Holy Spirit has been pointing out themes from this Psalm  to me recently, before I had read or reflected on the Psalm, as I observe different aspects of nature around me on walks and drives. It all shouts Yahweh, creator, brilliance, and majesty. Trees start from small seeds but grow tall and bear fruit for ages. The Sun is a massive fireball that lights our way, warms our lands, and allows life to flourish. Invisible winds push weather patterns all over the planet, which brings rains to water the earth. And all these amazing pieces are working together, fulfilling their purposes each day, thereby praising the glory of the creator God. 

“He has raised a horn for his people”, not only a horn for the people of Israel but a horn of victory and authority over all creation, even over death itself through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We have hope in this victory. Let us live in worship of this. 

Reflecting on my own life, this inspiring Psalm stirs up many convicting questions. Do I praise God well with my words? Do I praise Him well in deed by living in accordance with my calling as an image bearing member of His family? What would this world look like if we all led lives of constant praise in word and deed, together in harmony, branches of the true vine, bearing fruit every day? What is just one thing I can change today in honor of God, in honor of all of you, and in honor of all His creation?

“Let them praise the name of the Lord, 

    for his name alone is exalted;
    his majesty is above earth and heaven.”

Hallelujah, praise the Lord!

- Andrew Harris