Psalm 34

Read Psalm 34.

I don’t know about you, but when I read this Psalm, it was as if I was gently submersed into some cool body pf water. [insert your favorite beach] on a hot summer sundown. The day has been so hot (Texas hot) and so stressful with work, life, inner worries, etc. Now, the sun sets and our sweet friend approaches us and says, “Hey, come seek refuge here”. I think that praising the Lord is one of the things that we either do very little or a whole lot. Either way, the Lord is worthy of that and so much more. There is never any shame in how little you thought of him today, and he is not even asking that you consider yourself righteous for praising Him all day. He just wants us to come to Him. 

Psalms like this one bring me a lot of comfort as someone who thinks too much about everything. This Psalm is not to be examined or dissected. It is to be believed and to take hope in it. Hopefully you’re not questioning its truth today, wherever you are. Like your favorite home cooked meal, God tells us to taste and see that He is good. And like a a very, very good meal, words are not even necessary to express whatever you’re experiencing after that bite. 

Verse 11 mentions us as children and I love it when God calls us children because as adults we try to assume so much authority, control, and knowledge.  As grown-ups, we forget to assume our proper posture before the Lord: children. And like children, we should be open to instruction and to listening to all the things God has to say to us. There is no shame in being like a child before the Lord.

Today, I hope you seek refuge in Him and allow yourself to be in awe of the things He has done and will continue to do in your life. I hope that you get to taste and see that He is so, so good. 

 - Ari S.