Psalm 73

Read Psalm 73.

Asaph was a better man than I. Even when he was distracted by wicked people like myself, he found a sanctuary. A place to be with the One True God, and see God's goodness afresh.

If there was a time in my youth when my heart was good enough to discern a temptation to envy, pure enough to perceive the focus of my heart being pulled from God's faithfulness to godlessness - and then be sufficiently convicted to repent - then I have forgotten that time.

God is good to the wicked as well as to the good. I will avoid the fate that God prescribes, and which Asaph describes, only because the God of Asaph's sanctuary has turned my heart, and is shifting my mind from a narrow focus in good creations to the gracious Creator. From being safe to being with Jesus. From telling my story to telling God's story.

- Preston Boone