Psalm 33


Hope, peace, joy, love. Those are the themes of the now-behind-us Advent season. Hope, peace, joy, love. Those are the gifts of Christmas that, up until yesterday, we waited for with bated anticipation. Hope, peace, joy, love; those are treasures of life with God, God with us, that Psalm 33 encourages us to ponder in song, in heart and hands, in waiting still.

As the psalmist well knows, the gifts of Christmas, manifested in that singular gift that is Jesus, are too precious, too spectacular, too wonderful to unwrap and set aside. Such gifts require much longer and more elaborate consideration and enjoyment! Good thing there are Twelve-Days-of-Christmas, and not just one!

So today, on this second day of Christmas, read Psalm 33 with Jesus in mind. And follow the psalmist’s lead in pondering the wonders of all that Jesus brings: hope, peace, joy, and love.

God bless, and a continued Merry Christmas, my friends!

- Jeremy P.