Psalm 74

I really want to follow Christ. I love him and know I need him. Following Christ seems so simple, but it is difficult to do day by day. Everywhere I look I see darkness. I see darkness in my neighborhood, where people are judged based on how they look and their level of conformance to the idealized majority views. I see darkness in the news, where people are dying by natural disasters, mass shootings, and terrorist attacks. I see darkness in politics, enough said. I see darkness in sports, where greed is the most prevalent game. I see darkness every time we turn on the TV, where sex and deceit are glorified. And even more frightening, I see darkness when I look in the mirror, where my thoughts, words, and actions do not measure up to the standards of God.

I know I am not alone. Psalm 74 says in verse 20, “…the dark places of the land are full of the habitations of violence.” Also, verse 9 cries out “we do not see our signs; there is no longer any prophet, and there is none among us who knows how long.” Like the psalmist, I sometimes feel like we are surrounded by evil. When will it ever get better? Why is God taking his sweet time in bringing justice and goodness to this broken world? Why do I struggle to see God at work? Why are more people not coming to faith in Christ, being baptized, joining our church family? How many times am I going to have the same argument with my wife? Why am I still dealing with the same sinful struggles? How long will we wait Lord, to see your goodness in this place?

I know the truth. The truth is God is at work, all day, every day. He is here, he is with me. He will not leave me. Psalm 74 reminds me that if I cannot see goodness and light in front of me right now, I must look back.

v.12 Yet God my King is from of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth.

v. 16 Yours is the day, yours also the night; you have established the heavenly lights and the sun.

The God who created everything, who created me, is working. He has been working with us and through us since the beginning of creation. I can look back on the story of God and His people and see the goodness vividly. I can look back on my own story and see Christ’s good work. There is light and beauty here; my story is now connected to God’s story. God has “…given me the heritage of those who fear [His] name” (Psalm 61:6). I have a new heritage, a new family story, and I am “…enthroned forever before God” (Psalm 61:7).

Let’s pray:

Father, your goodness has no end, and you are faithfully at work through your Son. Make my heart believe the truth. Help me look back regularly, and see your goodness and light. Thank you for being patient with me. Forgive me for my unbelief and for growing impatient with you. Set my eyes and my heart firmly on Christ, in His name, Amen.

- Ryan Kernes