Psalm 136

I don't know about you, but reading through the Old Testament makes Psalm 136 come to life. We have read, listened to, and discussed these stories. And now we know more of what the psalmist is referring to as he recounts the ways God has shown up in history. The repetitious phrase "for His steadfast love natures forever" seems to emphasize the motive of all of God's actions. 

Are we quick to see His movement in our lives as love - no matter the circumstances?

It may be easy to attribute His "great wonders" to His love for us. While we recognize the need for "the sun to rule over the days" maybe it seems like a bit of a stretch to connect it back to His love for us. Then there's the line "to Him who led His people through the wilderness - for His steadfast love endures forever." I seem to recall the Israelites not seeing their journey through the wilderness as a loving gift from their God. It took years, maybe generations, before they could see God as loving during this season. 

I wonder how often, blinded by our circumstances, we fail to see what God is doing in our lives as an overflow of His steadfast love for us. 

Take some time today to think about God's steadfast love for you. How could even the hard stuff, or maybe the mundane stuff we take for granted, be a representation of His love that endures forever. 

To Him who creates family out of "church people",

For His steadfast love endures forever. 

To Him who walks with me through a season of waiting,

For His steadfast love endures forever.

To Him who provides peace in the midst of chaos,

For His steadfast love endures forever. 

To Him who made it possible for me to do life WITH Him,

For His steadfast love endures forever. 


-- Emily Larzabal