Psalm 110

Read Psalm 110

Reading our psalm today puts in company with the champions of our faith. It is the most often referenced (in allusion and quotation) psalm in the New Testament. The images evoked by the conquering LORD whose reign marks the end to all that rebel against his rule permeates the imagination of Jesus himself, and those who knew and followed him most closely.

Why do you think this psalm, of all the psalms, captures the heart of our first century faith family?

What about this psalm allows it to seep out in their exhortations and encouragements to one another, in letters and sermons, conversations and counsel?

If you expected answers following the above questions, you better find some paper and a pen! Seriously. Those that walked the streets with Jesus, walked with him as inhabitants of Psalm 110. Perhaps we should take up residence as well. You have an entire week ahead of you, why go anywhere else?

In your occupying, pray with me:

Spirit of truth, declare to me through these words all that Father through Son desires me to recognize. Helper, teach me all that makes these words ones so common, comforting and compelling to those who are following Jesus who is the Christ. Holy Spirit, dwell with me as I abide in Christ. Amen.

— Jeremy Pace