Psalm 140

Read Psalm 140

“I say to the Lord, You are my God; give ear to the voice of my pleas for mercy, O Lord!” - Psalm‬ ‭140:6‬ ‭ESV‬‬

King David was in a real battle, fighting for his life. His need for rescue and protection must have been an immediate and dreadful reality. He pleaded to his God, the God of his fathers, for mercy. He knew his God and was certain of the rescue.

In the world I experience daily, the battle is often subdued, raging behind the scenes. It may be hardly noticeable. I may not notice when the enemy gains ground.

Psalm 140 reminds me that I am in a real battle. Regardless of what I can see in the moment or am willing to admit, my life is in danger and I need to be rescued. When I look and listen carefully, I can see and hear it. I see images and hear whispers of lies:

  • the only way to win is to grind out a few more hours of work

  • a good dad would have been there for dinner time

  • are you really sharing the gospel? Do you really work for the Lord?

  • Half naked people on billboards and in social media videos is not a big deal

  • Rest and sleep are simply not productive, much productivity is needed

  • I have so much to prove as a man, husband, dad, son, friend, etc.

The enemy uses these lies to attack my faith. The enemy attempts to break down my sure place as a son of the one true God.

These attacks hurt and cause me harm. I feel the sting of sin when I do not reject them for what they are and claim the name of Jesus. But thanks be to my God that the Holy Spirit reminds me that Christ is Lord. Our church family reminds me that I am a son of Our Father. The same God who rescued David created me, knows me, and calls me son. There is no way my Father will leave his son’s life, my life, to be consumed by these lies. He will rescue me and bring me into His loving presence. I do not have anything to prove. With great freedom, I can pursue Jesus and do my best to be a loving, faithful son. Jesus lives, and His grace is all around!

“I know that the Lord will maintain the cause of the afflicted, and will execute justice for the needy. Surely the righteous shall give thanks to your name; the upright shall dwell in your presence.” - Psalm‬ ‭140:12-13‬ ‭ESV‬‬

—Ryan Kernes