Psalm 2

Read Psalm 2

This Psalm seems pretty fitting given the recent international news. A timely cry about worldly leaders conspiring against the Lord. Ignoring God’s decree in order to follow their own desires.

Or, perhaps, you are like me, bringing this psalm a bit closer to home by thinking of a specific politician, coworker, family member or other relationship that seems to be conspiring against you. I can easily point to a coworker or two who have been less than loving and have caused me much distress. This Psalm is meant for them! See how they conspire against the Lord, causing such undue hardship on me! Easy. Psalm closed. Reflection done.

But as I continue to sit with this Psalm, the reflection turns from the external to the personal. No doubt there are misguided leaders of the world seeking self-gain. And who doesn’t have a broken relation in their lives that has been deeply hurt by the other person? We would be remised, though, to not include ourselves in that same conversation of those who might be working against God.

“The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying, ‘Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.’”

As many of you know, Bethany and I recently became parents. It’s been the most amazing experience. I wouldn’t change it for anything. But it hasn’t been easy. Parenthood requires a lot of sacrifice - time, energy, and sleep, just to name a few. Of these, I have especially struggled with the sacrifice of time. As parents, we are called to be present to our children. In the newborn phase, that can be less than glorious, though. It’s a lot of time just hanging out at home. There isn’t much going on outside of sitting on the couch, tummy time on the floor and changing diapers. It’s a slow season, which doesn’t work well for me. I need to be up and moving around. Seeing people, running errands, cleaning the ever present pile of dirty dishes. Productivity is the name of the game. Just sitting and being present seems like a bond! Don’t get me wrong, I love my time with Oliver. This slow rhythm can get mundane pretty quickly, though. After just a short stint, I am ready to be doing something productive with immediate, tangible results.

But that is right where the Lord has called me to be. This bond of a slow, “unproductive” season isn’t really a bond at all. It’s a false perception: I have something better or more important planned! In this season, the Lord has invited me to be still and present to some of the best moments of my life. What a beautiful thing!

As you reflect on this Psalm, what are the bonds (restraints) you are currently experiencing? Do any of them feel especially heavy? Ask the Lord to help you discern whether any of these are truly bonds at all.

 - Eric P