Psalm 124

Read Psalm 124

Psalm 120-134 are called songs of ascent. In ancient days, the people of Israel would journey to the temple in Jerusalem to worship the LORD during yearly festivals. As they traveled they worshipped and sang these songs. These psalms reminded the people of God’s grace, mercy, provision, protection and salvation.

As we journey through this life we too need to remember each day the faithfulness of our God. We need to remember in the past difficult times or the times of uncertainty that God has been faithful and we can trust Him to continue to be faithful and steadfast in the future.Remembering and reflecting on this truth helps us to trust Him more fully for the future and brings peace to our hearts. Although circumstances may be uncertain and we cannot understand why things are happening, we can trust our sovereign LORD who is always with us. “ God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble” Psalm 46:1

There are many trials as we journey through this life. Psalm 124 begins with a reminder, “if it had not been the LORD who was on our side” so as we remember the LORD is always on our side, even during the difficult trials, this brings great encouragement to our hearts as we journey through each day!

Psalm 124:6 begins with “Blessed be the LORD…” who is our Deliverer. Our hearts are to be filled with thanksgiving as we remember the LORD who rescues and redeems us. As I taught a three year old class recently, we always ended the class with the truth of God’s great love for us: We are all sinners. God loves us so much He sent Jesus to live, die and rise again to rescue us from our sin. King Jesus will return someday and those He has redeemed will live forever in heaven with Him! What a sweet joy to hear as those three year old lift their hands and sing Praise Him, Praise Him to the One who is sovereign over all!

“Our help is in the name of the LORD, who made heaven and earth “ Psalm 124:8. As we journey through this life may our hearts daily remember the goodness of God and be filled with worship and thanksgiving to the LORD, the One who is worthy of all glory, honor and praise!

- Karen P.