Working Through Faith

Dear Faith Family,  

And every way in which you
make, manufacture, and construct your life,
—in words and actions—
do it all in loyalty and submission to the Lord Jesus
…with a singular focus of heart,
in awe and wonder at the presence of the Lord.
Whatever you do,
work from the soul as for the Lord…
(Colossians 3:17, 22-23)

The above might not be the translation of Colossians 3 you memorized in Bible Drill. Still, as we unpacked last year, this chapter in Paul's letter to the "raised with Christ" (3:1) has much to say about our daily labors post-resurrection Sunday.

Work, says the apostle, is whatever we do in our efforts to make a life within intimate, responsible, and economic relationships (3:18-4:1). The work that each of us has been specially fashioned for (see Eph. 2:10 & Ps. 139:13-16) includes more than the labors that make us a living. Encompassed in Paul's exhortation are all our daily exchanges and interactions, obligations, commitments, and to-do lists. "And whatever you do, in or deed" (3:17), not just some things at particular times, but "Whatever you do," and whenever you do it, "work heartily as the Lord" (3:23). 

But how? How do we work from the soul and not merely to survive, pass the time, or meet some standard of duty or success? 

Well, as we discussed together this Sunday, we have to work through faith

When thinking about "work," and especially "good work," it's almost natural for our minds to focus on our particular words and actions on any given day, wondering, "Did I say the right things in the right way?" and "Did I do the right things, in the right way?" 

While Paul certainly encourages us to consider our "whatever we dos," he knows--and has spent the first two chapters of the letter making the case-- the wonder and holiness of life on this side of Easter is that whatever we do is done with "Christ in you" (1:27).

Good work is the product of being at work with God. Or, as Paul put it, “fearing the Lord” (3:22) being in awe and wonder in the presence of the Lord, responsive to Christ in you, Christ with you. And this is where faith comes in. "Faith," says Frederick Buechner, "is to respond to what we see..." And what do we see on this side of Easter Sunday? In Jesus, you are re-created and made competent to join God in the very good of making life. 

He is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn of all creation.
For by him all things were created,
in heaven and on earth...
and in him all things hold together...
And you, who once were alienated and hostile in mind,
doing evil deeds [not good work!],
he has now reconciled
in his body of flesh by his death,
in order to present you holy
and blameless
and above reproach
before him,
if indeed you continue in the faith,
stable and steadfast,
not shifting from the hope of the gospel
...which has been proclaimed
in all creation under heaven...
(Colossians 1:15-17, 21-23)

Re-read those words.
Can you see who you are with in your work today, and that is why/how you can do good work...whatever you "do"? 

Paraphrasing Buechner as a prayer for you and me: May we...

work through faith...
responding to what we see trying to live up to it and toward it
through all the wonderful and terrible things
…by looking to see it again and see it better." 

Love you, faith family. God bless!