Psalm 91

Read Psalm 91

This psalm is a perfect reminder of God’s security and promises if we trust in him.

If I’m being honest with you, lack of security is one of my greatest fears. Not only security for myself, but also others around me. Some of you may remember this, but last year Eric had a bad fall at work and fractured his skull resulting in a pretty serious concussion. It was during this time that my eyes were opened to how much I actually felt like I needed to be in control. I was worrying every second of every day about every move Eric made. He was staying with his parents during this time (since we weren’t married yet) and their house is covered in hard tile. So of course I was worried about his dizzy, concussed self walking on that tile every day with a fractured skull. I was with him as much as I could be, but since I still had to go to work and was living in Dallas, every second I was away from him, I worried. I felt like I was in control of the situation whenever I was with him, but as soon as I left, I had a very hard time trusting that the Lord would keep him safe.

With how terrible this situation was, it taught me a lot. I became in need of a protector because I couldn’t be one. I still feel like I need to control and protect a lot around me, but thank goodness the Lord never gives up on us. Thank goodness He is the perfect protector and not myself.

If we took this psalm very literally, of course we would be disappointed because we still live in a world with sin and disease and disaster. Psalm 91 doesn’t mean that that nothing bad will ever happen to us if we’re faithful to the Lord. In fact, we can probably expect many more attacks from Satan in our lifetime. But we can trust that if we’re faithful to him here on earth, we will one day live forever with no sin or disease or disaster. What an incredible promise that is!

Let this psalm not only bring us excitement for our future with the Lord, but also comfort in the here and now. We can’t rely on our finances for our security, we can’t rely on our homes to keep us safe in a flood, and we can’t rely on ourselves to protect our loved ones. But we can rely on a perfect Father who loves us so deeply that he is in control of all things. He protects us by being in control.

“Because he holds fast to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble; I will rescue him and honor him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation.”

Psalm 91:14-16

— Bethany Powell