
 A collection of resources to help you celebrate the Advent and Christmas seasons—the once and future coming of Jesus Christ. Here you’ll find everything you need to make the season bright: traditions and playlists, Jesse tree readings and ornaments, lesser known stories of Christmas, Advent theme videos, devotionals and even meal guides. May this season fill hearts and homes with rich meaning and story, longing and hope, joy and expectation, love and peace as we celebrate the arrival of God’s Kingdom on earth in Jesus Christ.


Waiting on the Word

Watch for the Light: Daily Readings for Advent

Watch for the Light: Daily Readings for Advent


Living the Christian Year

Jesus Storybook Bible

Jesus Storybook Bible

The Dawning of Indestructible Joy

The Dawning of Indestructible Joy


Gospel Community Guides


Compline Podcast - Evening Liturgies for Anxious Souls

Brief Advent liturgies, nightly Sunday through Thursday.

Apple | Android


Lectio for Families Mobile App

Short lectio style reflections, meditations, and prayers meant for the whole family! From Lectio 365.

Apple | Android


This reading plan is meant to be read with children, as a family, or a household during the season of Advent. The plan includes reading for each day during the season to help prepare our hearts—young and old—for Christmas! For a printed set of ornaments and a hard copy of the readings, click here.

Advent Themes
